What can I enter?

The Sasol New Signatures Art Competition has certain restrictions on the types of works that may be entered, as well as size and weight restrictions. Time restrictions apply for all video works. These are detailed in the restrictions guide table below.  To avoid the disappointment of having your work disqualified, please ensure that your works adhere to these requirements.

Works that may be entered

  • Works falling within the Visual Arts discipline.  Visual art refers to anything that can be visually perceived and interpreted, such as paintings, sculptures and drawings.
  • Any media including drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, installation art, printmaking, videos and Performance Art.
  • Completed works created in the past year.
  • Works adhering to the specified requirements as noted in the Entry Form. 
  • Two separate works may be entered.  Each work may consist of smaller parts which collectively do not exceed the size and weight restrictions.  
  • Performance art and video works have specific requirements, please refer to clause 15 & 26 on the Entry Form for details.  
  • Original works.
  • Works that form part of a body of work submitted for academic purposes.
  • Performance Art must be submitted in video format.  Please refer to clause 15 on the Entry Form for details.
  • Works must be for sale.

Works that may not be entered

  • Works not within the Visual Arts discipline for example poetry, creative writing, fashion design, music, dance, acting, etc.
  • Works containing dangerous or flammable materials.
  • Works which may potentially cause injury or harm to viewers, such as unstable sculptures or installations.
  • Works older than one year.
  • Incomplete works or works in progress.
  • Works which are not ready to hang.
  • Works contravening the specified requirements and restrictions. 
  • No more than two artworks may be submitted.
  • Artworks which exceed the restrictions in any manner will be disqualified.
  • Video works which exceed the time restrictions or format.
  • Works which contravene copyright laws, images copied from internet sources or from other artists.
  • Works that have been entered into other competitions.
  • Works that have formed part of solo exhibitions at art fairs or galleries.
  • Live Performance Art pieces cannot be accommodated.
  • Works which are not for sale.



Size restrictions for each artwork 250cm x 250cm x 250cm
Weight restrictions for wall hanging works 30kg (in total)
Weight restrictions for works hanging from ceiling 10kg (in total)
Weight restrictions for works standing on the floor 100kg (in total)
Weight restrictions for works on plinths 30kg
Videos & Performance Art Length: may not exceed 5 minutes (300 seconds)

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